Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to create wifi hotspot using command prompt

Now-a-days internet connectivity has become one of the things that we need the most. It would be nice if we can use our computer’s fast internet Connection. So guys the solution is Wireless Hosted Network. This concept of Wireless Hosted network was introduced in Windows 7. By using this feature we can easily create a virtual wireless adapter.To do this we only require a CMD(Command Prompt!) with Administrator privileges. And best of all you can connect to another WiFi when Hosted Network is running. This process describes some of the commands that are available only in Windows 7 or Windows 8 Ready PC.
To create a wifi hotspot with command prompt all you have to do is log in your computer in administrator mode, active internet connection in PC and make sure you have enabled the wifi in your computer. Just simply keep up with the following steps

1. Open Run and search for command prompt

2. Run Command prompt as administrator

3. Now you have to execute some commands to create wifi hotspot

4. Enter the command netsh wlan show drivers.

A list of information about wifi driver will be displayed. If you found “Hosted Network support” is yes in the information then it is possible to execute this method otherwise you can’t

5. Now enter the command netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Techinbuzz key=password.

This is the information about the wifi hotspot profile where ssid is the name of your own wifi hotspot and key is the password of the wifi hotspot. Make sure you use a secure password. You will get a success message as same as in the below screenshot

Now you can access this wifi hotspot from other wifi devices like laptop, tablet and smartphones.
Turn on wifi in your smartphone you will see the wifi network and connect to it with the password you assigned

7. To deactivate wifi hotspot execute the command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

The network will be stopped.

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#Admin: Mueez Micky

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